Tractor Adjustment: A Good Option for Today’s Farmers
A lot of private forest owners use their own logging equipment when managing their property. However, not all farmers can afford equipment like skidders, harvesters, and forwarders. Fortunately, they can make adjustments to the equipment they already have such as a tracteurs forestier.
Adjusting Modern Tractors
Compared to purpose-built forest machines, tractors could be used as a base unit for a lot of applications. They can be used on the fields and for mounting or snowplowing, or transferred into an excavator.
A lot of tractor manufacturers adjust their equipment themselves before they deliver their products to customers. Others make use of specialised companies to perform the job. Also, some tractor resellers order this type of customisation job from these specialists.
Before, a tractor can be brought to the forest without special considerations. If they encounter an obstacle on their way and break something, owners don’t make a big deal out of it. The machine is made to be sturdy and its spare parts were cheap. However, modern tractors are advanced and more sensitive to physical violence from obstacles like branches. Also, a lot of engine details are made of plastic which can easily break when hit by something from under the tractor. Also, the tractor’s electronic parts can be damaged.
Mounting Belly Plates
It is common to mount belly plates under the tractor to protect against branches and other obstacles. These plates will reduce the risk of breaking something or getting stuck. This adjustment is affordable because the costs of breaking electronics or plastic details could be quite high. Other items that can be mounted on tractors for the adjustment include lamp protection, front covers, roof covers, and steel fuel tanks.
Modifying the Interiors for Comfort
A tractor can be made into a comfortable forest machine, by adjusting the seat so it can be turned backward. Also, the cabin should have more space, if possible. The operator’s seat can be made 180 degrees reversible by making space in the cab. This should be done by moving controls and interior from their original places. To make sure the chair does not collide with the steering wheel, the tractor can be mounted with a foldable steering wheel. It is also a good idea to adjust the steering wheel so it could be switched according to the season.
Most parts necessary for the adjustment are made during the adjustment process. The most common cover plates are the only ones that are in stock.