Never Say These 3 Things To An Employment Law Attorney
In spite of numerous state and federal laws in place, workplace harassment and employee discrimination are real aspects. Every year, a good number of cases pertaining to employment law crop up, and a considerable number of them go unreported. In fact, a lot of employees are not even aware of their rights, and they often fear backlash and loss of job, besides the fact that cases related to employment law are always complicated.
If you have a case and have decided to keep help of an employment law attorney, there are a few basic things that you shouldn’t say when you meet a lawyer for the first time.
- This is the exact amount I want. Well, just because you have a case doesn’t mean you can actually ask for anything you want. In fact, an experienced attorney will always explain what you can possibly expect in a settlement. This is something that most law firms are specific about – they wouldn’t set unrealistic expectations. Don’t go to a lawyer with an amount in mind.
- I know my employer will settle because of negative publicity. Your employment law attorney is the best person to predict what may eventually happen in a case, but even some things are not in his control. Don’t be very optimistic of the outcome. Let the lawyer judge the situation based on factual matters. Answer questions but don’t be sure because many cases take long in trial.
- Other lawyers are charging less for this case. Well, if you have come to a law firm, you probably have selected them for their expertise, and there’s a reason why some lawyers charge more than others. If you don’t like what they charge, simply refuse politely. Never compare the pricing with others as it is considered unethical and not so fair, and every firm is unique in its experience and work profile.
Now that you know the basics, go ahead and look for employment law attorneys near you. Make sure that you check for their work experience and if they have worked extensively for employees. If you don’t understand what they provide or have questions related to their expertise, be open to asking questions. With a good lawyer, you can be assured that your case will be handled by professionals and in the right way that your interests are protected. To know the law firm better, always ask for references and do check for reviews online.