Finding A Suitable Accounting Firm For Your Company In Thailand
When you are looking to outsource the accounts of your business to a reputable company, it is something that you will need to take your time doing and not rush into deciding which company you will use. You will need to research potential companies to ensure you select a quality firm to assist your business with its accounts. You may also require an accounting firm specialising in international tax; Thailand has many such companies, and below are some tips to help you select the best one for the job.
See If Yu Can Get Any Recommendations
An excellent place to start your search is by asking other businesses you know well whether they can suggest any accounting companies that may be suitable. Many companies outsource various aspects of their business, including accounts, so there is a high chance one of the businesses you know may be able to make a recommendation. Any suggestions that you receive you can add to a list, and then start searching online for more companies that may be a good match for your business.
Finding Accounting Companies Online
Using your preferred search engine, you can find many companies offering accounting services in Thailand, and you will need to ensure any you add to your list are suitable. You will need to ensure they are large enough to service your company and that they are fully qualified and members of the IFAC. Research any companies you find, and if they seem suitable, you can add them to your list. Once you have a decent number of companies, say around six or seven, you can start looking at their online reputations.
Seeing Which Companies Have The Best Reputations
It is simple to check a company’s online reputation, and an excellent place to start is their social media profiles. Many people today will not contact a company via telephone or email when there is a problem; instead, putting it on social media so they address the issue quickly. Look at the reviews and comments left by customers on the profiles of the companies you are investigating and see which ones are best. Use the information you find to reduce the number of companies on your list t two or three, and then start contacting the companies.
Now you will need to contact the remaining companies on your list, discuss your requirement with them, and ask for a quote for their services. You can compare the quotes you receive from the companies, select the one you think suits your business best, and partner with a quality accounting company to help your business grow.